Technical and Historical Quiz

The  Technical and Historical Quiz is one of the premier competitive events of the PCA Parade. It is a written test of your knowledge of general, mechanical and historical aspects of Porsche cars, the Porsche family, and company along with information about the Porsche Club of America, Parade Competition Rules (PCRs) and Porsche Parade.


Q1. What types of questions and how many are on the quiz?

A1: There are fifty general questions, twenty-five model specific questions and five tie-breakers. The general questions are taken from multiple available sources, such as Excellence Was Expected (all editions), 2022 Panoramas, Excellence Magazine, the PCA website and the current PCRs. The model specific questions relate to specific for Porsche models. The tiebreakers come from the general sources listed above and are only counted when two participants end with the same score.

Q2: What is the question format?

A2: Most questions are four-foil (option) multiple choice questions with the remainder true-false questions. There are no short-answer or essay questions nor do any of the questions require calculations.

Q3. What models do the model-specific questions?

A3: Parade Competitive Classes are Q01-356, Q02-911-Early, Q03-911-Mid, Q04-911 964 993, Q05-911 Late, Q06-914, Q07-924-944-928-968, Q08-Cayenne, and Q09-Boxster.

Q4. Do I have to sign up for the model I own?

A4: You can sign up for any model you want regardless of what you own.

Q5: How can I prepare to do well on the quiz?

A5: Read your Panorama each month and any of the other sources listed above, frequently visit and explore the PCA website and know your PCRs before you come to Parade. Prior years quizzes are posted on Parade websites. Feel free to peruse them at your leisure.

Q6: When do we know how well we performed on the quiz?

A6: Quizzes are scored shortly after you turn them in, and exam results are posted in the Hospitality Room later in the day. Awards are given to the top finishers in each class at the Victory Banquet.

Q7: Who writes the questions?

A7: Model specific questions are written by the Technical Committee.

Q8: Why would I want to take a quiz on my vacation?

A8: While the idea of getting up early during your vacation to take a test seems strange, the Technical and Historical Quiz is a PCA tradition and more importantly it’s fun, friendly competition and informative!

Plan on taking the Technical and Historical Quiz with all of the other Parade attendees in Palm Springs. Join in the fun!


Technical and Historical Quiz Chair
Gary Milavetz