Fun/Run Walk

The Parade Fun/Run Walk for 2023 is set on the beautiful Mountain Golf Course golf cart path located on-site at the La Quinta Resort.  It still holds its place on Saturday morning June 24th

It’s a loop course following the back 9 cart path which is a relatively flat terrain with a few beautiful rolling hills.  

To beat the desert heat and the commitments of the golf course, the race will begin at 6:30am, but plan on being onsite at the Start Line by 6:00am for race day check-in.  

We will again have classes for the Runners by gender and age:

  6-9                             30-39

10-13                           40-49

14-17                           50-59

18-21                           60-69


Trophies will be awarded for best Men's and Women's times, plus medals for the best Class times.  

Walkers are welcome and can expect a more casual event. Walkers will not be timed.  

When completing your online registration, include your age, gender, and T-shirt size.  That’s right, a special Parade Fun/Run Walk t-shirt is included with each registrant.  Water and a snack will be provided at the Finish Line. PCA Juniors@Parade are invited, but each participant must enter in during Phase ll registration.  Keep in mind all children under 12 must be accompanied by a parent or another adult during the entire event.  

See you at the 2023 Parade Fun/Run Walk!

Parade Fun/Run Walk Chair
Jack Stephensen - Parade Chair

Joshua Gutjahr - Coordinator